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Supplement Reviews


Green Tea Extract


This powerful supplement has been widely used for immuno-enhancing effects.  The major components of interest in green tea extract are the polyphenols (including EGCG--epigallocatechin gallate which seems to provide the strongest antioxidant effects).  Most of its research is actually focused on its cancer-protective effects.  Some research suggests that this potent extract has greater anti-oxidant protection than Vitamin C and E . A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in Dec. 1999 showed that green tea extract actually increased 24 hour energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans.  Many people "in the know" would say that this is due to its caffeine content since caffeine has been shown to have some of these properties in previous research.  However, the authors of this study concluded "green tea extract has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by its caffeine content per se." They continued to say "Green tea extract may play a role in the control of body composition via sympathetic activation of thermogenesis, fat oxidation, or both."  I believe it is most likely linked to its EGCG content.  Another study showed the synergy of green tea extracts catechin-polyphenol and caffeine content discussing how it stimulates brown adipose tissue thermogenesis.  The study mentions that green tea extract and the synergistic relationship of its contents may be a valuable tool in assisting in the management of obesity.  This is all very good news for all those fat loss candidates out there! But before you go throw away your bottle of MetaboWhatever and get green tea extract thinking it will help you burn fat faster, keep in mind that more research needs to be done--but this ingredient holds great promise in this arena. Taking 300-400 mg of EGCG daily can be helpful (this equates to about 3-4 cups of green tea).


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