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During the last 20 years, research has implicated dietary fiber as important in various aspects of gastrointestinal function and positive support in disease states. Dietary fiber is defined as "plant polysaccharides and lignin which are resistant to hydrolysis by the digestive enzymes in man." Examples include cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, gums, carrageenan, and mucilages. Insoluble fibers include lignin, cellulose, and some hemicellulose. Soluble fibers include pectin, gum, mucilages and some hemicellulose. Guar gum has also been used for weight reduction. Effects of fiber include increased fecal bulk, decreased luminal pressure, preventing colon cancer, delayed gastric emptying, reduced glucose absorption (lowers glycemic index of foods), and anti-toxic effects.

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